Monday, May 20, 2019
Sex Eduacation in School
Sex Education Sex gentility in the unite States has experienced serious changes over the past three decades. It all exited in 1981 the Reagan Administration, with federal funding promoting abstention-only-until-marriage to shake education programs. The support of this abstinence only until marriage idea has increased exponentially since 1996. Although this approach chew the fatn to be beneficial to some(prenominal) in the sense at rates of teen maternal quality would decrease. Many others see the prohibitive nature of this approach to be controversial.The public also show the need for conjure education programs to include not only abstinence but also to include communicateation about contraceptives as well. This excessive priority on promoting only one sex-education method seems to be at odds with what the richly mass of adults and teenagers think is more(prenominal) important. For example in a the national surveil published in 2007, out of 1000 adults and 100 teenagers o rganized by the National stir to Prevent teen and ignorant maternal quality.In the survey it was acknowledged that even though most of adults (93%) and teens (90%) believe that providing puppylike teens with information about abstinence is an important message to give out. In the homogeneous survey more than the half of adults (73%) and teens (56%) also believed that the young people need way more information about abstinence and contraception than what they be given up today, rather than either/or. These results of having teens comprehend sex education atomic number 18 more consistent with the previous survey conducted such as programs that rather only promote abstinence-only-until-marriage.More surveys have shows the promoting abstinence only has become more otiose. The medical journal Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescents Medicine in 2005 to 2006 performed a surveys resulting with overwhelming support of 83% for a door-to-door approach and with only 36% supporting only abstinence education. In the January and February 2007 electric receptacle of Public health Reports announced that premarital sex is not out of the ordinary as many an(prenominal) would think it is.According to the reports by the age 20, 77% of applicants have had sex, 75% have had premarital sex, and 12% had matrimonial by the age 44, 95% of the applicants have had premarital sex. After these results, many people argue that abstinence-only-until-marriage programs be neither practical nor realistic now days. Randy Elder a task force genus Phallus of the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported in November 2009 Washington Post binds stating that There is decent evidence that all-embracing risk reduction efforts are effective. He further explains As regards abstinence education, aft(prenominal) a similar look the task force determined that based on a total of problems with the studies presented to them there was insufficient evidence to determine their effec tiveness. Author Kat long informs in her March 2008 expression for the Gay Gender issues Web site called Abstinence Teaching Ignores LSBTs. In her article it reads There rules suggest that lesbian, gay, biintimate or transgender students will not fit into the expected standards of human sexual urge.They also infer same-sex relationships are less meaningful and legitimate than opposite-sex ones and whitethorn cause harmful effects. Also according to analysis by the Washington University law Review in an article titled Abstinence-only Education Fails African American youth. This article states that Black adolescents higher rates of sexual activity couple with evidence of their fundamentally diverse attitudes towards sex relative to Whites adolescents suggest that abstinence-only sex education is bound to be ineffective among Black youth. close to policies changes that are about to happen be professorship Obama appears to be ready to sign into law the 2010 motorcoach Appropri ations Bill passed by the Congress in December 2009. This would be the first time since 1981 that abstinence-only-until-marriage sex education programs will not be receive any funding. round of the abstinence programs would be replaced by comprehensive programs that target to reduce the number of teen pregnancy. This policy started in 2010. In the study by Margaret J. Blythe is a professor of pediatrics at University School of Medicine and chair for the Committee on Adolescence, American honorary society of Pediatrics.It states that Comprehensive sexuality education emphasizes abstinence as the best option for adolescents, but also provides age-appropriate, medically consummate discussion and information for the prevention of sexually transmitted infections and unintended pregnancies. People against comprehensive sexuality education dont understand that when this program also emphasized abstinence while dummy up offering age-appropriate instruction to prevent sexually transmitte d diseases (STDs) and to prevent unwanted pregnancies for teens who are having ex. With programs such as abstinence only have turn out to delay sexual intercourse and also refuse to inform the youth about condoms and safe sex. Without this information it leaves the young people less prepared to protect themselves. In fact, not only is abstinence-only programs ineffective but it also can cause harm to the young that may practice it. Abstinence-only provides incomplete and inaccurate information and resulting in participants failure to use safer sex practices once they start have intercourse.In a national study, sexual health risks of adolescents who received abstinence-only education and those who received comprehensive sex education to those who received none. Teenagers who were reported having received comprehensive sex education programs before coming sucker to any sexual intercourse were extremely less likely to report a teenage pregnancy compared to other teenagers that receiv ed no sexual education and while there were no effect of abstinence-only education. Some of the problems with abstinence-only education would be schools failure to help students understand and embrace their sexuality.This has become a problem to special for kids for color, who represent a big majority in many public schools around the country. Too many of the colored young teens are left-hand(a) to sort through this confusing times and are left with little or even no guidance. Blacks and Latinos account for 83% of teen HIV infections. Black girls are more than four times likely to get gonorrhea as their peers. Also a chronic bacterial disease known as syphilis has increased greatly among the Black teenage boys and easily starting to increase among the Latino boys.In late 2006, the federal health monitors announced that teenage pregnancy went up for the first time that year since 15 years. Teenage pregnancies were more common among Black and Native American teenage girls. Since 1 997 the federal government had invested more than $1. 5 billion dollars in abstinence-only programs, which were proven to be ineffective programs in which blocked and excluded information that could help young people to protect their own health. But the President Barack Obama administrations proposed budgets for Fiscal Year 2010 (FY10) to remove funding for abstinence-only programs.Instead to create funding for programs that have been proven to be effective at reduce teen pregnancy, delaying sexual activity, or increasing contraceptive use. non surprisingly, the only program that they found to work was comprehensive sex education programs. Researcher Douglas Kirby for the National Campaign to End Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy examined studies of prevention programs. Two-thirds of the 48 comprehensive sex ed programs studies had peremptory effects. * 40 percent delayed sexual origination, reduced the number of sexual partners, or increased condoms or contraceptives use. 30 percent reduced the frequency of sex, including a return to abstinence. * 60 percent reduced insecure sex. After many research done to determine whether abstinence-only or comprehensive sex education is get around for the young teens. It has clearly showed that comprehensive sex education does not encourage teens to start having sexual intercourse, does not increase the frequency with teens have intercourse, and does not increase the number of teenage sexual partners. At the same time, surveys and evaluations have shown repeatedly no positive changes in sexual behaviors over time when it comes to abstinence-only programs.Even though comprehensive sex education is very beneficial to teenagers it is very important that students take responsibility for their sexual health. Caitlin Myers from southern Methodist University (SMU) class of 2009, involved with the colleges newspapers. As a contributing writer to the Daily Campus, wrote an article named Sexual Health which emphasizes that all stu dents meaning male and female should have to take responsibility for their sexual behavior. Overall the only strategy that would work most effectively is comprehensive sex education.Children and adolescents need accurate and comprehensive education about sexuality not only to practice healthy sexual behaviors as adults but also to avoid early risky sexual activity that may lead to health problems. Comprehensive sexuality education is an effective strategy for helping young people delay initiation of sexual intercourse. In several published and well evaluated studies is has shown that sex education is a better prize rather than abstinence-only-until-marriage. Work Cited Children take on the Right to Comprehensive Sex Education by Barbara Miner. Do Children Have Rights? Christine Watkins, Ed.At Issue Series. Greenhaven Press, 2011. Barbara Miner, Were Here. Were Sexual. Get Used to It, Colorlines, May-June 2008. Comprehensive Sex Education Is Effective by Margaret J. Blythe. Sexuall y genic Diseases. Roman Espejo, Ed. Opposing Viewpoints Series. Greenhaven Press, 2011. Margaret J. Blythe, Testimony of Margaret J. Blythe, MD, FAAP, FSAM, on Behalf of the American Academy of Pediatrics, Before the Committee on wariness and Government Reform, United States House of Representatives, April 23, 2008. Comprehensive Sex Education Reduces Teen Pregnancy by Advocates for Youth.Teen Pregnancy and Parenting. Lisa Krueger, Ed. Current Controversies Series. Greenhaven Press, 2011. Advocates for Youth, adapted from Comprehensive Sex Education Research and Results, September 2009. www. advocatesforyouth. org. Sex Education. Current Issues Macmillian well-disposed Science Library. Detroit Gale, 2010. Gale Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. 28 Nov. 2011. Students Need to Take Responsibility for Their Sexual Health by Caitlin Myers. Student Life. Karen Miller, Ed. Opposing Viewpoints Series. Greenhaven Press, 2011. Caitlin Myers, Sex, STIs and Responsibility, Daily Campus, April 16, 2008.
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